Sunday 18 October 2009

Outcastes fashion

With Outcastes #6 taking place in that style capital, Par Isis, I figured now's the perfect time to give the main characters a makeover. Winter's drab coat had been bugging me for a while, but after a few fancy redesigns, I settled on simply enlivening it with a new shorter coat with trim and buckles.

Summer's flower girl look was getting a little old, so I turned to the red riding hood shawl rendition on the back cover of the rare first print of #2. I experimented with a black top, but went with the second lighter top in the end.

Armida's #5 peasant goth dress was a little overly complex, particularly the choker which I could never draw the same twice. So here's the new streamlined version.

I designed Astraea a couple of years ago now, so it took some practice just to remember what she was supposed to look like. For variety I added a slit to her gown, which is displayed in all its glory on the #6 cover.

As for Geo, well as he'd no doubt tell you, he's perfect just as he is.