Wednesday 24 March 2010

Getting to know you...

The eagle eyed among you may have noticed that the website's undergone a minor facelift. Clicking on the True Stories banner above (or where it says Read More) will now show you an overview of my main titles and a little bit about me. The back link will return you to the latest news, or you can use the snazzy new drop down box at the top left to filter the news.

Also the individual issue pages have been streamlined, making it easier to browse previews and place orders. I've also made Outcastes available to download in PDF format for just 50p an issue. Look for many more of my titles to be added there soon.

Hope you like the changes. More strips and previews of Outcastes #8 are on their way.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Outcastes #8 cover

Uncharacteristically for a train themed issue, Outcastes #7 has arrived ahead of schedule, so go grab yourselves a copy.

You can now pre-order the underway Outcastes #8 for a knock down £1.75 while gawking at the cover and blurb here.

For those few who like to download their Outcastes, never fear as I'll be adding a place where you can grab each issue in PDF format for a pittance very shortly.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Outcastes #7 - train now arriving

PhotobucketOutcastes #7 went to the printers this week, and hopefully should see release around the end of this month. In the less great news department, increased printing costs sadly means a slightly increased cover price of £2.25. 4 issue subscriptions have risen by 50p to the still bargain price of £7. But in the spirit of giving, you'll still be able to pre-order Outcastes over the next few weeks from this very website for the old price of £1.75. Hurry while stocks last and all that.

As ever I've added previews of issue 7 for your perusal to the Preview page and Myebook. All aboard...