Tuesday 13 May 2014

Angel Nebula & Frontiers Collections

I'm very pleased to announce that Angel Nebula and Frontiers are now available in deluxe collected editions!

It's long been a goal of mine to collect all my series into trade paperbacks, kicking off with digitally restored deluxe editions of both True Stories Comics sci-fi sagas. Angel Nebula collects all 9 issues in a US size 176 page book. Frontiers clocks in at 172 pages, collecting all 8 issues plus the #0 prologue. You can order them for just £10 each from the True Stories Comics store at Lulu. They should also be available to buy from other stockists including Amazon very shortly.

If you'd prefer digital comics, they're available on this website for direct PDF download for £5 each:

Angel Nebula 

To complete the set, due later this year are collections of Dark Weather and Outcastes. As always I'll keep you posted on progress.